Native Village of Port Lions


Environmental Department

In 2000, the Native Village of Port Lions successfully negotiated a USEPA Indian General Assistance Program (IGAP) grant, and our Environmental Department was created to strengthen and build management capacity for addressing local environmental issues.

We’ve made significant progress in many areas, including solid-waste management, recycling, scrap metal, water quality, Freon removal, oil-spill response, indoor-air quality, outdoor-air quality, and community education and outreach activities.

The Environmental Department will continue to identify and plan cost-effective management for local environmental issues. We will increase our ability to facilitate a recycling program for our community and will continue to develop partnerships with other organizations and work closely with local youth to improve our education and outreach program.

Read more.

Transportation Department

The goal of the Transportation Department is to seek funding to maintain our roads that are currently in the Indian Reservation roads inventory.

To receive funding, we must update our Bureau of Indian Affairs Indian Reservation Roads Inventory yearly. The inventory identifies which routes are our public roads. The routes can includes: bridges, trails, future roads, scenic byways, bicycle trails and more. We currently have 22 routes on our inventory and are ready to add more.

In 2008, the community made a priority list of the order in which it would like to see construction projects done on specific routes. This list is updated by the community every 3 years or as needed.

We generate IRR funds based on the routes we currently have in our inventory. The amount of funds per route and year is based on many characteristics of that route. Length, width, surface type, potholes, housing units, and traffic counts are just some of the criteria at which the BIA looks to determine the amount of funding each route will receive.

Family Services ICWA

We are all responsible for the health, safety and wellbeing of Port Lions’ children.

Help is available. If you or a child you know needs help with a negative home life, please contact the Native Village of Port Lions Tribal Family Services Coordinator here. It is confidential.

NVPL’s ICWA Ordinance

Congress declares it is the policy of the nation to protect the best interests of Indian children and to promote the stability and security of Indian tribes and families by the establishment of minimum federal standards for the removal of Indian children from their families and placement of such children in foster or adopted homes that reflect the unique values of Indian culture, and by providing assistance to Indian tribes in the operation of child and family services programs.

This confidential service is available through the Native Village of Port Lions under the Tribal Family Services Coordinator.


The Kodiak Archipelago Leadership Institute (KALI) worked collaboratively with the Tribal Councils of the Native Village of Larsen Bay, Old Harbor, Ouzinkie, Afognak, and Port Lions to prepare an application to the Administration for Native Americans Program (ANA) to develop much needed agriculture technical capacity that included intensive training, consultations with highly qualified individuals with extensive experience in both regional and state-wide agriculture, the development of pilot farms, and the development of vetted farm and business plans.

Through this grant and KALI’s support, four pilot farms were established in each village. Post grant, the Native Village of Port Lions, with continued support from the Bureau of Indian Affairs, Afognak Native Corporation, Kodiak Area Native Association, City of Port Lions, and KALI, we have been fortunate to continue our efforts in providing for increased, long-term economic stability through a tribally owned and operated business.

The Native Village of Port Lions continues to work on small business feasibility studies that include expansion and enhancement of the Port Lions Farm. Our long-term goal is to provide year-round production by way of hydroponics.

The Alutiiq Language

The Alutiiq Language Program is funded through The Rural Alaska Community Action Program (RurALCAP). This program works with the Port Lions School to hold weekly classes to teach our youth the language, followed by Native Youth Olympics (NYO). The language program has also launched a livestream called “Kings Corner” covering the Alutiiq language, current events, fun facts, and more. Livestreams are posted to Youtube and Facebook. Type “Native Village of Port Lions” in the search bar of either platform to view our content.

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